Merle Techritz  LUTZ | ABEL


Merle Techritz

 Merle Techritz  LUTZ | ABEL

Profile details

Merle Techritz provides comprehensive advice especially to medium-sized companies on all individual and collective employment law issues. In addition to assisting with separation processes and advising on issues relating to works constitution law, she also focuses on contract design in order to adapt employment contracts to the increasingly digital and mobile working environment.

Clients appreciate her clear communication and pragmatic approach.

  • Individual- und Kollektivarbeitsrecht
  • Vertragsgestaltung
  • Transaktionsberatung
  • Betriebsverfassungsrecht
  • Vertretung von Vorständen, Geschäftsführern und Führungskräften
  • Begleitung von Betriebsübergängen
  • Arbeitsgerichtliche Prozessführung
  • Handelsblatt & Best Lawyers 2024: "Ones to Watch" for labor and employment law in Germany
  • Lawyer at LUTZ | ABEL since 2020
  • Course as certified specialist lawyer in employment law, 2017
  • Lawyer in the employment law department of a multidisciplinary commercial law firm, 2016 – 2020
  • Admission to the bar, 2015
  • Legal clerkship at the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court in Hamburg
  • Law studies at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel